

Integrantes actuales:

Cristian Federico Perez-Monte is an Electronic Engineer degree from Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Regional Mendoza in 2008. He is research in GridTICs Group since 2004. Furthermore, he is professor since 2007 at the UTN FRM. His interests include HPC, GPU computing, visual perception, photo realistic virtual reality, high performance and network protocols.

Fernando Farias is a Technical Leader for a multinational software R&D company. A specialist in virtualization technologies, cloud computing, real-time web applications, micro-services, orchestration, Big Data and parallel computing processing. Researcher since 2001 for the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional Regional Mendoza on HID interfaces, aural accessibility, augmented reality and multimedia applications. His interests include high performance computing, real-time processing, and programming language theory.


Silvio Rizzi is a Postdoctoral Appointee at the Argonne Leadership Computing Facility, Argonne National Laboratory. His interests include large-scale scientific visualization and analysis, GPU computing, display technologies, augmented and virtual reality, and medical simulation. He has a PhD in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research and an MsC in Electrical and Computer Engineering from the University of Illinois-Chicago.

Cristian Luciano is a Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Bioengineering in the College of Medicine, Clinical Assistant Professor in the Department of Biomedical and Health Information Sciences in the College of Applied Health Sciences, and Adjunct Research Assistant Professor in the Department of Medical Education in the College of Medicine at the University of Illinois at Chicago. He received a B.S. degree in Information Systems Engineering from the Universidad Tecnológica Nacional, Argentina, and a M.S. degree in Industrial Engineering, a M.S. degree in Computer Science, and a Ph.D. in Industrial Engineering and Operations Research from the University of Illinois at Chicago. He has been conducting research and development on virtual, mixed, and augmented reality in engineering, dentistry, and medicine since 1997. His areas of expertise involve 3D graphics, haptics, scientific visualization, collision detection, GPU programming, dynamics simulation, and multimodality motion tracking. His current research interests are surgical simulation and training, pre-surgical planning, robotic surgery, and surgical navigation.

Maria Fabiana Piccoli received her Ph.D. degree from Universidad Nacional de San Luis (UNSL), Argentina, in 2005, and the Graduated in Computer Science degree from UNSL, Argentina, in 1995. She is a full Professor at the UNSL, and director of Departamento de Inform´atica. She is interested in High Performance Computing, including Parallel and Distributed Computing.

Pasados Colaboradores:

Mauricio David Pérez was born in Buenos Aires, Argentina, on 25  July, 1980. He received the Argentinean B.Sc. degree in Electronic Engineering from the National Technological University, Mendoza Regional (UTN-FRM), in Argentina, in 2007. He obtained the Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering at University of Bologna, Italy in 2012. He was professor and researcher in UTN-FRM from 2014 to 2015 and currently he is a research collaborator with UTN-FRM and Federal University of Tocantins in Brazil.  His research interests are high frequency electromagnetic phenomena and advanced applied mathematics.